My final project map is about Breast Cancer Awareness among women in the United States (2004). The pink ribbons represented the amount of deaths per year in 2004. The largest ribbons show the most deaths and the smallest ribbons show the least deaths. Then I decided to further my study and see if there were any changes in death rates in recent years which were represented by the different shades of purple. The lights were the lowest changes in death rates and the darker purples were the highest changes.
I ended up finding out a very interesting thing. A lot of the east coast was very high for breast cancer deaths. This leads me to believe several factors which I intend to look further into. Three Mile Island Power Plant had a radioactive spill in Pennsylvania on March 28, 1979. The pattern of the air circulation maybe responsible for more breast cancer.
State Cancer Profiles
Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
Center for Disease Control and Prevention---Breast Cancer
National Cancer Institute
YAP: Young Adults Program
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